Sunday, December 9, 2012

Scope Creep

Scope creep is a term that refers to the “natural tendency of the client, as well as project team members, to try to improve the project’s output as the project progresses” (Portny et. al, 2008). This is a problem that happens frequently in project management, but it’s also common in other areas of life.

As a teacher, scope creep is something that happens frequently.  As an example, a teacher prepares a lesson that covers a specific objective – it’s a great lesson, with interactive multimedia components and lots of classroom collaboration.  (In this scenario, we are thinking of the students in the role of the client.) The lesson begins smoothly, but soon the students find they are very interested in finding out more about the background of the topic, something the teacher didn’t include in the original lesson.

In this scenario, does the teacher redirect students to stick to the original plan, or does the teacher adjust the lesson to account for this scope creep? Most teachers would agree that addressing students’ curiosity and interest in a topic is very important, but what’s the tradeoff? Perhaps the lesson won’t get finished in the allotted time span, lengthening the unit and pushing back the unit exam. If the timeline isn’t negotiable, perhaps the teacher will have to cut out another part of the instruction, or move more quickly over other material in order to make up for the time spent on unplanned activities.

Another recent example of the problem of scope creep has occurred in my current position. I was given a group of students who did not pass the language arts portion of the state standardized test last year, and asked to work with these students on targeted interventions to help them master key content. However, as the class got started and I began working with students, I also found that students lacked basic foundation skills as well, like reading comprehension, how to take notes, and test-taking strategies.  These are important skills that will also help students perform better on standardized test, so we needed to come up with a way to expand the scope of the course to accommodate the extra instructional goals. We are still working this out, but the short-term plan is to spend more instructional time with the students than previously planned.

Teachers are often both instructional designers and project managers as they lead their classes. It’s important to keep the concept of scope creep in mind, so that teachers can appropriately manage the risks involved.

Portney, S. E., Mantel, S. J., Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., Sutton, M. M., & Kramer, B. E. (2008). Project Management: Planning, scheduling, and controlling projects. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Estimating Costs and Allocating Resources

This week’s course focus is on budgeting; specifically, estimating costs and allocating resources as it relates to project management. This has been one of the most difficult aspects for me to tackle, because I haven’t had any prior experience in project management. The only budgeting experience I have is in my personal life.  However, once again the internet comes to the rescue, with a wide range of resources that are helpful in estimating cost, effort, and time involved in various instructional design projects.  Here are two of the most helpful resources I came across:

Dr. Karl Kapp and Robyn A Defelice published an article on estimating time for ID projects. The authors conducted a survey of ID professionals, and compiled the results in a table that gives low and high estimates for the time needed to develop one hour of instruction with several variables. The study was repeated in 2009, and the above link contains results from both surveys.  I also found this article useful because the authors discuss in detail some of the factors that affect development time.

The e-Learning Guild conducted a time ratio survey in 2002, and the above link is a compilation of the results. While my first thought is that the estimates are outdated, I actually found similarities between this study and the one conducted by Kapp and Defelice. I thought this resource was particularly useful because rather than estimating by the hour, it focuses on per-minute student learning objects. My course project focuses on small digital learning objects, so the per-hour estimates were proving to be difficult for me to use when working on my project.